James Victor KITTO

Regimental number12/389
Date of birth8 May 1887
Place of birthLeFroy, Tasmania, Australia
OccupationAssistant Surveyor
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation27
Height6' 0"
Weight164 lbs
Next of kinSister, Mrs Ludlow Thompson, Beaconsfield, Tasmania, Australia
Previous military serviceServed in B Company, 6th Hauraki Regiment, Territorial Force; still serving at time of NZEF enlistment. Previously served in Waihi Rifles: corps disbanded.
Enlistment date11 August 1914
Rank on embarkationPrivate
Enlistment statusVolunteer
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, Main Body, Auckland Infantry Battalion
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on 16 October 1914
The Auckland Infantry Battalion in the Main Body left New Zealand on board two ships, HMNZT 8 ('Star of India') and HMNZT 12 ('Waimana'). It is not possible from the Nominal Roll to determine on which ship an individual embarked.
Final rankPrivate
Final unitAuckland Infantry Regiment
FateKilled in Action 8 May 1915
Age at death from cemetery records29
Place of burialRedoubt Cemetery (Special Memorial B. 2.), Helles, Gallipoli, Turkey
Miscellaneous information from
  cemetery records
Parents: the late Thomas Luke Kitto, MMC, and Hannah Kitto, Lefroy, Tasmania, Australia
Other details

War service: Egypt, Gallipoli

Embarked Wellington, 16 September 1914; disembarked Alexandria, 4 December 1914.

Wounded in action, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915.

Now, 20 July 1915, reported wounded and missing, 8 May 1915.

Report, B.J. FAILE, Chaplain, 1st Brigade, Royal Naval Division, Krithia, 10 September 1915: 'I am enclosing a disc, which I took off a body, which had been lying out here for some time. The body was between some trenches in front of the gully, on the left hand side of the peninsula, towards Krithia, near twelve tree copse. There were no other possessions obtainable & the body is buried.'

Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal
Miscellaneous detailsNominal Roll Vol. 1: Auckland Infantry Batln/Main Body
SourcesArchives New Zealand (Wellington), Agency AABK, Series 18805

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