William George ASTRIDGE

Regimental number24/1331
Date of birth12 April 1887
Place of birthWellington
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation29
Height5' 9.5"
Weight161 lbs
Next of kinGeorge Astridge, Queen Street, Levin
Previous military serviceNil
Enlistment date24 August 1915
Place of enlistmentTrentham
Rank on embarkationRifleman
Enlistment statusVolunteer
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Reinforcements, F Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on 13 November 1915
Members of F Company, 2nd Reinforcements, left New Zealand on board two ships, HMNZT 35 'Willochra' and HMNZT 36 'Tofua'. It is not possible from the Nominal Roll to determine on which ship an individual embarked.
Final rankCorporal
Final unitNew Zealand Rifle Brigade
FateKilled in Action 12 October 1917
Age at death from cemetery records30
Place of burialNo known grave
Commemoration detailsTyne Cot Memorial (New Zealand Apse, Panel 7), Zonnebeke, Belgium
Miscellaneous information from
  cemetery records
Parents: George and Sarah Astridge, Queen Street, Levin, Wellington
Other details

War service: Egypt, Western Front

Embarked Wellington, 13 November 1915; disembarked Suez, 20 December 1915; joined Bn, Ismailia, 6 February 1916, and posted to B Company.

Transferred to Machine Gun Section, 8 March 1916.

Embarked Alexandria to join the British Expeditionary Force, France, 6 April 1916.

Appointed Lance Corporal, 5 August 1916.

Transferred from Machine Gun Section to C Company, 7 August 1916.

Promoted Corporal, 22 November 1916.

Detached to Lewis Gun School, 2 March 1917; rejoined unit, 18 March 1917.

Admitted to No 3 NZ Field Ambulance, 7 May 1917 (dental); transferred to Divisional Rest Station, 26 May 1917; admitted to No 1 NZ Field Ambulance, 26 May 1917; transferred to No 13 General Hospital, Boulogne, 29 May 1917 (inflamed gums); discharged to Convalescent Depot, Boulogne, 31 May 1917; transferred to Base Depot, Etaples, 21 July 1917; rejoined unit, in the field, 24 August 1917.

On leave to United Kingdom, 13 September 1917; rejoined unit from leave, 24 September 1917.

Detached to Base Depot, 13 September 1917; rejoined unit, 24 September 1917.

Killed in action, 12 October 1917.

Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal
Miscellaneous detailsNominal Roll Vol. 1: F Company/2nd Rfts of 2nd NZRB
SourcesArchives New Zealand (Wellington), Agency AABK, Series 18805, File 22271415

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