Donald Joseph DUNFORD

Regimental number13745
OccupationMill hand
Next of kinFather, Alfred Dunford, 117 Nelson Street, Petone, Wellington
Rank on embarkationRifleman
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 8th Reinforcements to 2nd Battalion, F Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on 26 June 1916

Military Medal

'For most conspicuous bravery and initiative during the attack near Beaumont Hamel at 2pm on 30th March 1918. Just as the attack commenced this NCO led a party against a machine gun that was firing on advancing troops on his flank. He, himself rushed the gun, killed the man firing, and captured it. His quick action saved the lives of many men and permitted the advance to go on unchecked. During the whole of the attack his sections, under heavy fire, were worthy of the highest commendation and were a splendid example to his comrades.'
Source: London Gazette
Date: 16 July 1918

Other detailsEx Samoan Advance
SourcesNominal Roll Vol. 2: Roll 34, p. 32

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