Bayley William DIXON

Regimental number6/3681
Next of kinFather, A Dixon, 50 Sebright Road, High Barnet, Herts, England
Rank on embarkationPrivate
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, 9th Reinforcements, Canterbury Infantry Battalion, C Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board SS Maunganui on 8 January 1916

Military Medal

'Operations Between Messines and Warenton 14th June and 15th June 1917. This NCO has shown great bravery throughout recent operations. He went out with two men to reconnoitre an enemy strong point. He got through the enemy wire when the party was fired at a very close range. One of his party was wounded. He sent back the wounded man with the other member of the patrol and remained behind himself. With his own fire he held up a party of the enemy who attempted to surround the patrol and eventually he made his escape.'
Source: London Gazette
Date: 16 August 1917

SourcesNominal Roll Vol. 2: Roll 21, p. 24

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