Regimental number12742
Date of birth14 September 1893
Place of birthSouthland
Marital statusSingle
Height5' 6.5"
Weight163 lbs
Next of kinFather, A H Carmichael, Oparau, Kawhia
Enlistment date9 February 1916
Rank on embarkationGunner
Enlistment statusVolunteer
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, 13th Reinforcements, New Zealand Field Artillery
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board Willochra on 27 May 1916
The Nominal Roll gives the date of embarkation as 27 May 1916; harbour records show that the actual date of embarkation was 31 May 1916.
Final rankGunner
Final unitNew Zealand Field Artillery
FateCommenced return to New Zealand 24 December 1917
Discharge date1 May 1918
Other details

Month of date of birth unclear: could be August.

War service: Western Front

Embarked Wellington, 31 May 1916; disembarked Devonport, England, 26 July 1916, and marched into NZ Field Artillery Details, Camp Sling.

Proceeded overseas to France, 16 January 1917.

Posted to 15th Battery, 26 January 1917.

Admitted to 1st NZ Field Ambulance, 23 April 1917 (mumps); discharged to unit, 10 May 1917.

Rejoined 13th Battery, 11 May 1917.

Wounded in action, 4 October 1917 (shell wound, chest), and admitted to 1/2 South Midland Field Ambulance; transferred same day to 47th Casualty Clearing Station; admitted to 3rd General Hospital, Le Treport, 15 October 1917; transferred to England, 31 October 1917, and admitted to Mile End Military Hospital, 2 November 1917; discharged to 2nd NZ General Hospital, Walton-on-Thames, 22 November 1917.

Classified unfit for War Service, 11 December 1917.

Commenced return to New Zealand from Avonmouth on board 'Maheno', 24 December 1917; discharged (no longer physically fit for War Service on account of wounds received in action), 1 May 1918.

Total war service: 2 years 82 days (of which 1 year 252 days was abroad)

Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal

Postwar death attributed to war service.
Date of death10 September 1963
SourcesNominal Roll Vol. 2: Roll 33, p. 18
Archives New Zealand (Wellington), Agency AABK, Series 18805

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