Gowan Stuart TAYLOR

Regimental number6/3891
OccupationGrocer's assistant
Next of kinMother, Mrs A Taylor, Leeston, Christchurch
Rank on embarkationPrivate
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, 9th Reinforcements, Canterbury Infantry Battalion, C Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board SS Maunganui on 8 January 1916

Military Medal

'Operations: British Front near Ruyaulcourt 4th/6th September 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. During the above operations Corporal Taylor, with another Battalion Signaller, was constantly out mending wires. On one occasions, although he was blown over by the concussion of a shell, he mended 10 breaks between Battalion Headquarters and Metz. This was during an enemy bombardment and enabled communication to be kept up with Brigade Headquarters at a very critical time. On all occasions this NCO has worked with total disregard for his own safety and with a wonderful fearlessness of almost certain death has maintained communication on many occasions between Battalion and Brigade Headquarters.'
Source: London Gazette
Date: 11 February 1919

SourcesNominal Roll Vol. 2: Roll 21, p. 27

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