Regimental number29449
Place of birthAuckland
Next of kinSister, Mrs Carrie Mayes, Te Puke
Rank on embarkationRifleman
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 12th Reinforcements to 1st Battalion, E Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board HMNZT 67 Tofua on 11 October 1916
Final rankLance Corporal
Final unitWellington Infantry Regiment
FateCommenced return to New Zealand
Date of death4 December 1919
Place of burialHamilton East Public Cemetery (Soldiers Area E3, Grave No 225)
Miscellaneous information from
  cemetery records
Father: Mr. D. Murphy, late of Galloway Street, Hamilton East

Military Medal

'For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when one of a garrison of a forward post. On three occasions he passed through very heavy shell fire to bring up stretcher bearers. On the last one, though buried by an explosion, he completed his errand, and failing to obtain bearers, returned to the shelled area and carried out a badly wounded comrade on his back. During the same period, half the post being destroyed by shell fire, and all the rations with it, he volunteered to go back and bring up food. This he successfully did. Finally, when the post was relieved after a terrible ordeal, in which half of the garrison was killed, he remained behind to look after the wounded until stretcher bearers could be sent up. His magnificent devotion and exceptional fearlessness cannot be too highly praised.'
Source: 'London Gazette'
Date: 22 October 1917

Other details

War service: Western Front

Medals: Military Medal, British War Medal, Victory Medal
SourcesNominal Roll Vol. 2: Roll 43, p. 25

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