Ernest Ellis ISLIP

Regimental number24/806
Address16 Helena Street, South Dunedin
Marital statusSingle
Next of kinBrother, Percy Edward Islip, Stationmaster, Hyde
Rank on embarkationRifleman
Enlistment statusVolunteer
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 2nd Battalion, C Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board HMNZT 31 Tahiti on 10 October 1915
Final rankCorporal
Final unit2nd Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade
FateKilled in Action 19 May 1917
Place of burialLa Plus Douve Farm Cemetery (Plot IV, Row D, Grave No 7), nr Ieper, Belgium

Military Medal

'For consistently good work before and during a raid on the 7 January 1917, south of Flerurbaix. For ten days prior to the raid he patrolled "No Man's Land". The information that he obtained with regard to the enemy?s wire, parapet, sentries and method of holding the front line was extremely valuable. During the raid he single-handed rounded up ten of the enemy and with assistance succeeded in capturing them together with an additional catch of four. Strength of raiding party 4 officers, 111 ordinary ranks.'
Source: 'London Gazette'
Date: 12 March 1917

Miscellaneous detailsNominal Roll Vol. 1: C Company/2nd NZRB

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