Regimental number40952
Date of birth2 June 1896
Place of birthDunedin
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation20
Height5' 4.5"
Weight154 lbs
Next of kinFather, J Hubbard, 291 King Street, Dunedin
Previous military serviceServed in 10th North Otago Regiment, Territorial Force; still serving at time of NZEF enlistment.
Enlistment date10 November 1916
Rank on embarkationPrivate
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, 22nd Reinforcements, Otago Infantry Regiment, D Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board HMNZT 76 Aparima on 16 February 1917
FateCommenced return to New Zealand 28 August 1918
Discharge date1 January 1919
Other details

War service: Western Front

Embarked Wellington, 16 February 1917; disembarked Devonport, England, 2 May 1917, and marched in to Sling Camp.

Proceeded overseas to France, 6 June 1917; joined 1st Bn, Otago Infantry Regiment, in the field, 25 June 1917, and posted to 10th Company.

Admitted to No 1 NZ Field Ambulance, 13 July 1917 (influenza); rejoined Bn, in the field, 21 July 1917.

Admitted to No 2 NZ Field Ambulance, 23 September 1917 (scabies), and transferred to No 4 Stationary Hospital, St Omer; discharged to unit, 27 September 1917; rejoined unit, in the field, 30 September 1917.

Wounded in action, 3 December 1917 (gun shot wound, forehead), and admitted to No 3 NZ Field Ambulance, and transferred to 10th Casualty Clearing Station; to 17th General Hospital, St Omer, 4 December 1917; to England, 19 December 1917, and admitted to Military Hospital, Endell Street, London; transferred to NZ Convalescent Hospital, Hornchurch, 7 January 1918; to NZ Command Depot, Codford, 31 January 1918; on leave to 15 February 1918.Marched in to Reserve Depot, Sling Camp, 18 March 1918.

Proceeded overseas to France, 14 April 1918.

Found guilty, 15 April 1918, of being absent without leave from 8 pm, 13 April, till 11 pm, 14 April 1918: deprived of 3 days' pay, and forfeited 2 days' pay under Royal Warrant.

Transferred to NZ Cyclist Corps, 3 May 1918; joined unit, in the field, 8 May 1918.

Admitted to 1/3 Highland Field Ambulance, 22 July 1918 (contusion, left foot), and transferred to 50th Casualty Clearing Station; to No 1 Australian General Hospital, Rouen, 23 July 1918 (accidental fracture); to England, 26 July 1918, and admitted to No 1 NZ General Hospital, Brockenhurst, 27 July 1918.

Commenced return to New Zealand from Southampton, 28 August 1918; discharged (no longer fit for Active Service on account of injury), 1 January 1919.

War service: 2 years 47 days (of which 1 year 251 days was abroad)

Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal
Miscellaneous detailsParents: James and Mary HUBBARD
Date of death28 May 1964 Conical Hill
Age at death68
SourcesNominal Roll Vol. 3: Roll 55, p. 14
Archives New Zealand (Wellington), Agency AABK, Series 18805, File 18050468

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