Regimental number16/821
Marital statusSingle
Next of kinHenry Panoho, Paroti, Whangarei
Rank on embarkationPrivate
Enlistment statusVolunteer
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, 2nd Maori Contingent
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board HMNZT 29 Waitemata on 18 September 1915

Military Medal

'For conspicuous coolness and gallantry under heavy shell fire. On 8th October 1917 on Wieltje/Gravenstafel Road at 28 D 13 central the enemy suddenly opened fire. Two men were hit, one seriously and Private Panoho regardless of shell fire rushed in and bandaged up the man seriously hit. He was mainly responsible in removing the wounded from further danger. Again on 19th October on the same road near Gravenstafel Private Panoho's sergeant was seriously hit. He immediately went to the wounded NCO's assistance and regardless of continued shelling helped to remove the sergeant from the danger zone. He set a fine example and his disregard for danger has always been a source of confidence to other men in his platoon.'
Source: London Gazette
Date: 28 January 1918

Miscellaneous detailsNominal Roll Vol. 1: /Second Maori