Regimental number16/800
Date of birth12 October 1890
Marital statusSingle
Height5' 5"
Weight161 lbs
Next of kinSister, Miss Langi Kainuku, Manutuke, Gisborne
Previous military serviceNil
Enlistment date30 June 1915
Place of enlistmentTakapuna
Rank on embarkationPrivate
Enlistment statusVolunteer
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, 2nd Maori Contingent
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board HMNZT 29 Waitemata on 18 September 1915
Final rankPrivate
Final unitNew Zealand Maori (Pioneer) Battalion
FateCommenced return to New Zealand 1 February 1918
Discharge date15 April 1918
Other details

War service: Egypt, Western Front

Disembarked Suez, 26 October 1915; posted to Pioneer Bn, Moascar, 20 January 1916.

Embarked Port Said to join the British Expeditionary Force in France, 9 April 1916.

Found guilty, Armentieres, 28 May 1916, of when on Active Service being absent from parade: awarded 7 days' Field Punishment No 2.

Stoppage of pay (1/-) for loss of mess tin, 3 December 1916.

Found guilty, 19 April 1917, of when on Active Service failing to parade at place appointed, and remaining absent until 2 pm: awarded 14 days' Field Punishment No 2.

Wounded in action, 25 June 1917 (gassed: shell), and admitted to No 3 NZ Field Ambulance; transferred to No 1 NZ Field Ambulance, 29 June 1917; to No 2 Casualty Clearing Station, 7 July 1917 (gas poisoning); to No 4 Stationary Hospital, Arques, 10 July 1917; to No 7 Convalescent Depot, Boulogne, 18 July 1917; to No 10 Convalescent Depot, Ecault, 23 July 1917; to Convalescent Camp, Trouville, 4 August 1917.

Attached to 'C' Class by NZ Travelling Medical Board, and marched out to England (examination of eye).

Classed as unfit, and placed on NZ Roll, 12 January 1918.

Commenced return to New Zealand from Liverpool on board HT 'Willochra', 1 February 1918; discharged (no longer physically fit for War Service), 15 April 1918.

Total war service: 2 years 290 days (of which 2 years 179 days were abroad)

Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal
Miscellaneous detailsNominal Roll Vol. 1: /Second Maori
Date of death13 April 1966 Gisborne
SourcesNew Zealand Archives (Wellington), Agency AABK, Series 18805