Hugh FOX

Regimental number22007
Date of birth4 October 1891
Place of birthCaversham, Dunedin
Address90 Union Street, Dunedin
Marital statusMarried
Age at embarkation24
Height5' 8"
Weight154 lbs
Next of kinWife, Mrs Harriet Fox, Union Street, Dunedin
Previous military serviceNil
Enlistment date5 May 1916
Place of enlistmentTrentham
Rank on embarkationPrivate
Enlistment statusVolunteer
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, 16th Reinforcements, Otago Infantry Battalion, D Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board HMNZT 63 Navua on 20 August 1916
Final rankPrivate
Final unit8th (Southland) Company, 1st Battalion, Otago Infantry Regiment
FateInvalided to New Zealand
Discharge date17 April 1918
Other details

War service: Western Front

Enlisted with rank of private and posted to D Company, 16th Reinforcements, Trentham Camp, Upper Hutt, 4 May 1916.

Proceeded overseas from Wellington on board HMNZT 'Navua', 20 August 1916.

Disembarked Devonport, England, 25 October 1916; marched in to Sling Camp and taken on strength 3rd (Reserve) Battalion and posted to 1st (Otago) Company, 26 October 1916.

Proceeded overseas to France, 15 November 1916; disembarked and marched in to New Zealand Infantry and General Base Depot, Etaples, France, November 1916.

Taken on strength, 1st Battalion, Otago infantry Regiment and posted to 8th (Otago) Company, in the field, 4 December 1916.

Wounded in action, admitted to 77th Field Ambulance and transferred to 1st Australian Casualty Clearing Station, 7 June 1917 (multiple shrapnel wounds); admitted to No 7 General Hospital, St Omer, 8 June 1917; evacuated to England onboard HMHS 'St David' and admitted to No 2 New Zealand General Hospital, Walton-on-Thames, England, 23 July 1917.

Classified as permanently unfit by Medical Board and placed on New Zealand Roll, Walton-on-Thames, 12 November 1917.

Discharged, no longer physically fit for war service on account of wounds received in action, 17 April 1918.

Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal
Date of death11 August 1946
Age at death54
Place of burialDunedin
SourcesNominal Roll Vol. 2: Roll 38, p. 17