David Keith DUTHIE

Regimental number24/121
AddressSt Stephen's Avenue, Parnell
Marital statusSingle
Next of kinFather, D W Duthie, National Bank, Wellington
Rank on embarkationCorporal
Enlistment statusVolunteer
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 2nd Battalion, A Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on 10 October 1915
Final rank2nd Lieutenant
Final unit1st Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade
FateKilled in Action 7 August 1917
Place of burialProwse Point Military Cemetery (Plot IV, Row C, Grave No 13), Belgium
Miscellaneous information from
  cemetery records
Parents: David W. and Florence Duthie, Auckland
Other details

Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal

Miscellaneous detailsNominal Roll Vol. 1: A Company/2nd NZRB