William DEWAR

Regimental number24/739
Addressc/o J C Grigg, Longbeach
Marital statusSingle
Next of kinBrother, Robert Dewar, Ardenlea, Houston, Renfrewshire, Scotland
Rank on embarkationRifleman
Enlistment statusVolunteer
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 2nd Battalion, C Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board HMNZT 31 Tahiti on 10 October 1915

Meritorious Service Medal

'For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. As a Battalion runner this rifleman has shown the greatest determination and contempt of personal danger, particularly during the active operations at Passchendaele on 12th October 1917, and in the Becelaere Sector in the months following. As a runner during the active operations at the Somme, Messines and Passchendaele, he has been called upon to perform many difficult and dangerous tasks and has never failed.'
Source: London Gazette
Date: 17 June 1918

Miscellaneous detailsNominal Roll Vol. 1: C Company/2nd NZRB