John Alfred WORK

Regimental number29532
Date of birth12 May 1887
Place of birthGeorgetown, South Australia, Australia
ReligionChurch of England
OccupationCarrier and farmer
Marital statusSingle
Height5' 8.5"
Weight161 lbs
Next of kinMother, Mrs J Work, Burra, South Australia, Australia
Previous military serviceNil
Rank on embarkationLance Corporal
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 12th Reinforcements to 1st Battalion, E Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board HMNZT 67 Tofua on 11 October 1916
Discharge date28 February 1918
Other details

War service: Western Front

Embarked Wellington, 11 October 1916; disembarked Plymouth, England, 29 December 1916, and marched in to Sling Camp, and reverted to the ranks.

Proceeded overseas to France, 27 May 1917.

Wounded in action, Ypres, Belgium, 4 October 1917 (gun shot wound, head); admitted to 3rd Australian Field Ambulance, 5 October 1917, and transferred to 17th Casualty Clearing Station; to 22nd General Hospital, Camiers, 9 October 1917; to England, 22 October 1917, and admitted to City of London General Hospital, Clapton, 23 October 1917; transferred to NZ Convalescent Hospital, Hornchurch, 1 December 1917.

Classified 'Unfit' by Medical Baord, and placed on NZ Roll, 11 December 1917.

Commenced return to New Zealand from Avonmouth on board HMNZT 'Maheno', 24 December 1917; discharged (no longer physically fit for War Service on account of wounds received in action), 28 February 1918.

War service: 1 year 246 days (of which 1 year 113 days was abroad)

Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal
Date of death18 August 1954 Tauranga
SourcesNominal Roll Vol. 2: Roll 43, p. 23
Archives New Zealand (Wellington), Agency AABK, Series 18805