Douglas Edward SCOTT

Regimental number13812
Date of birth15 July 1895
Place of birthKaiapoi
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation20
Height5' 6.5"
Weight120 lbs
Next of kinFather, R Scott, 59 Esplanade, Petone, Wellington
Previous military serviceNil
Enlistment date7 March 1916
Rank on embarkationRifleman
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 8th Reinforcements to 2nd Battalion, F Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on 26 June 1916
Final rankPrivate
Final unitNew Zealand Medical Corps
FateCommenced return to New Zealand 7 February 1919
Discharge date23 April 1919
Other details

War service: Western Front

Embarked Wellington, 26 June 1916; disembarked Devonport, England, 22 August 1916; marched in to 1st Training Bn, Sling Camp, 23 August 1916.

Proceeded overseas to France, 4 October 1916; joined 2nd Bn, NZ Rifle Brigade, in the field, 23 October 1916.

Admitted to No 1 NZ Field Ambulance, 28 January 1917 (accidental wound, chin); discharged and rejoined Bn same day.

Pay debited cost of mess tin, 6d, 4 April 1917.

Admitted to No 1 NZ Field Ambulance, 3 July 1917 (stomach); transferred to No 2 Casualty Clearing Station, 7 July 1917 (gastritis); to 2nd Australian General Hospital, Wimereux, 8 July 1917; to 8th General Hospital, Rouen, 25 July 1917; to No 2 Convalescent Depot, Rouen, 26 July 1917; to No 11 Convalescent Depot, Buchy, 29 July 1917; to Base Depot, Etaples, 22 August 1917.

Attached on stregth of NZ Stationary Hospital, Wisques, 3 October 1917.

Transferred to NZ Medical Corps, 23 January 1918, and joined NZ Stationary Hospital.

On leave to United Kingdom, 28 January 1918; rejoined unit from leave, 12 February 1918.

Admitted to NZ Stationary Hospital, 18 May 1918 (pyrexia, unknown origin); discharged to duty, 27 May 1918.

Commenced return to New Zealand from Liverpool on board HT 'Ajana', 7 February 1919; discharged (no longer physically fit for War Service on account of illness contracted on Active Service), 23 April 1919.

War service: 3 years 48 days (of which 2 years 275 days were abroad)

Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal
SourcesNominal Roll Vol. 2: Roll 34, p. 33
File 0361324, New Zealand Defence Force Archives, Trentham Military Camp