Regimental number22088
Date of birth14 July 1888
Place of birthDunedin
ReligionRoman Catholic
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation27
Height5' 5.5"
Weight145 lbs
Next of kinMother, Mrs M Plunkett, 4 Queen's Drive, Musselburgh, Dunedin
Previous military serviceNil
Enlistment date4 May 1916
Place of enlistmentTrentham
Rank on embarkationPrivate
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, 16th Reinforcements, Otago Infantry Battalion, D Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on board HMNZT 63 Navua on 20 August 1916
Final rankPrivate
Final unit2nd Battalion, Otago Infantry Regiment
FateKilled in Action 12 October 1917
Age at death from cemetery records30
Place of burialNo known grave
Commemoration detailsTyne Cot Memorial (New Zealand Apse, Panel No 3), nr Ieper, Belgium
Miscellaneous information from
  cemetery records
Mother: Margaret Plunkett, 130 Melbourne Street, South Dunedin, and the late James Plunkett
Family/military connectionsBrother: 32721 Francis Joseph PLUNKETT
Other details

War service: Western Front

Embarked Dunedin, 21 August 1916; disembarked Devonport, England, 25 October 1916, and marched into Sling Camp.

Found guilty,31 October 1916, of being absent without leave: awarded 7 days' detention, and forfeited 3 days' pay under Royal Warrant.

Proceeded overseas to France, 13 November 1916; joined 2nd Bn, Otago Infantry Regiment, in the field, 4 December 1916, and posted to 14th Company.

Found guilty, 24 May 1917, of being absent from Parade and falling out of March: awarded 7 days' Field Punishment No 2.

Detached to Headquarters, 2nd NZ Brigade, 5 June 1917; rejoined unit from detachment, 10 June 1917.

Admitted to No 10 Australian Field Ambulance, 11 June 1917 (sore throat); rejoined unit, 18 June 1917.

Found guilty, 22 June 1917, of being absent from Tattoo roll call: awarded 7 days' Field Punishment No 2, and forfeited 7 days' ordinary pay.

Tried by Field General Court Martial, 29 June 1917, on charges of (1) When on Active Service disobeying in such a manner as to show wilful defiance of authority [to] a lawful command given personally by his superior officer in the execution of his duty in that he in the field on 23 June 1917 when personally ordered by L/Sergt Clearwater of 2nd OIR to parade at defaulters' parade did not do so & refused to do so saying 'I will not parade' or words to that effect.

Alternative charge (2) When on Active Service conduct to the prejudice of good order and Military discipline, in that he in the field on the 23rd June 1917 when ordered to parade by L/Sergt Clearwater refused to do so. Finding of the Court: 1st charge, Not guilty; 2nd charge, Guilty: sentenced to 3 months' imprisonment with hard labour; sentence commuted to 3 months' Field Punishment No 1.

Tried by Field General Court Martial, 1 September 1917, on charge of while under arrest in the guard room joined in a mutiny by combining to resist his superior officer in the execution of his duty by refusing to fall in under the guard with fixed bayonets to march to a new area when ordered to do so by Sergt. Shakesbury: found guilty of mutiny, sentenced to 10 years' penal servitude. Sentence suspended, 27 September 1917.

Reported missing, 12 October 1917.

Court of Enquiry, 21 May 1918, concluded 'Killed in action, 12 October 1917'.

Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal
SourcesNominal Roll Vol. 2: Roll 38, p. 18
Archives New Zealand (Wellington), Agency AABK, Series 18805, File 20801789