William Henry MACMILLAN

Regimental number24/1439
Marital statusSingle
Next of kinMother, Mrs R Macmillan, 54 Forth Street, Invercargill
Rank on embarkationRifleman
Enlistment statusVolunteer
Unit nameNew Zealand Expeditionary Force, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Reinforcements, F Company
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Wellington on 13 November 1915
Members of F Company, 2nd Reinforcements, left New Zealand on board two ships, HMNZT 35 'Willochra' and HMNZT 36 'Tofua'. It is not possible from the Nominal Roll to determine on which ship an individual embarked.
Final rankCorporal
Final unit2nd Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade

Military Medal

'For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in the operations near Gouzeaucourt from 9th to 12th September 1918. He assisted his Section Commander in a Bombing attack in the early morning of the 11th against Dead Man's Corner and helped to kill the enemy garrison. Later in the day he collected men and bombs on his own initiative and carried forward supplies to a post in the front line which was being attacked by the enemy. Throughout the operation he has shown great bravery under heavy shell fire and trying conditions.'
Source: London Gazette
Date: 11 February 1919

Miscellaneous detailsNominal Roll Vol. 1: F Company/2nd Rfts of 2nd NZRB